Endowment and Gift Planning

Endowment and Gift Planning
The Good Counsel Giving Society
The 1958 Legacy Circle honors alumni, parents and friends who have included Good Counsel in their estate plans or have made some other type of planned gift to Good Counsel.
The Xaverian Brothers Circle recognizes those individuals whose lifetime philanthropic impact demonstrates how “in harmony small things grow.” This circle recognizes those who have provided cumulative gifts exceeding $50,000, pledged or paid, to Good Counsel.
The Saint Francis Xavier Circle recognizes those individuals who make an annual leadership gift of $1,000 or more to the school.
The Ryken Loyalty Circle recognizes donors who have supported Good Counsel’s annual giving program for five or more consecutive years, regardless of giving amount.
Endowed Gifts
Endowed funds provide an unmatched source of financial stability and predictable growth for educational institutions. Our goal is to build a financial foundation through an endowment that will strengthen our mission to educate in the Xaverian tradition.
Endowed funds can be established for a wide range of purposes, ranging from scholarships to building maintenance to faculty professional development. Endowment gifts may be directed to the general endowment fund or to one of the many endowed scholarships and funds that have been established for a specific purpose.
Gifts to the endowment can be made in the form of cash or tangible property, such as stock, bonds and real estate, that are invested to generate income for a designated purpose. Endowed gifts are held in perpetuity and managed to generate investment income. Typically, up to 5% of the investment income is spent for the purpose designated by the donor and any income in excess of 5% is returned to the endowment to ensure it continues to grow over time.
View Endowed Scholarships
Gift Planning
Through a planned gift to Good Counsel, you can thoughtfully invest in the future of the school while continuing to meet your other financial goals and provide for your family.
A planned gift is any major gift, made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning. These include gifts of equity, life insurance, real estate, personal property, or cash.
Some planned gifts provide life-long income to donor. Other gift plans use estate and tax planning to provide for charity and heirs in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize its impact on the donor’s estate.
By notifying us of your intentions you become a member of the 1958 Legacy Society where we can celebrate your generosity and hope that it inspires others.
Planned Giving Resources