Campus Ministry

Margaret Bykowski Smith '08
Director of Campus Ministry
Grace de ZamaroczyAssociate Campus Minister, Service Coordinator
Fr. Thomas LavinChaplain
Natasha BowldsAdministrative Assistant, Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry is an integral part of student life at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School. The mission of a Xaverian Brothers sponsored school includes educating students "in Gospel values and the social teaching of the Church so that they are capable of making informed judgments about social issues, most especially the need for peace and nonviolence."
Our Campus Ministry program integrates Good Counsel's Catholic and Xaverian mission and identity into day-to-day life through five pillars:
Weekly Mass Schedule
Daily Masses, as well as Reflection and Prayer services, are offered either prior to school in the morning or at the beginning of the lunch block(s). The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available by appointment.