We require all employees to have fingerprinting done through a CJIS authorized provider that uses Livescan services. Below are several locations where these services are offered:
American Identity Solutions:
7361 Calhoun Place, Suite 485, Rockville, MD: 301-296-4499
6701 Democracy Blvd., Suite 110, Bethesda, MD: 301-571-9479
12501 Prosperity Drive, Suite 200, Silver Spring, MD: 240-670-7952
Maryland Livescan Fingerprinting
7310 Ritchie Hwy, Suite 610, Glen Burnie, MD: 410-761-6700
Live Scan Fingerprinting
5465 Randolph Rd. Suite C
Rockville, MD: 301-501-5785
American Fingerprinting Services
3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 700
Bethesda, MD 20814: 301-961-1998
When completing your fingerprint information, please include:
- Good Counsel’s authorization number: 9000026980
The cost of the criminal history screening (i.e. fingerprinting) will be the responsibility of the person being fingerprinted.